
Educational Curriculum Overview

Typical Conference Schedule

10 - 11 a.m. Monday – Friday: Multidisciplinary rounds in ICU

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1st week   1-2 p.m.
Core curriculum
  Grand Rounds  
2nd week   1-2 p.m.
Core curriculum
POCUS/Imaging conference M&M  
3rd week   1-2 p.m.
Core curriculum
  Journal Club/Pro-Con Debate  
4th week   1-2 p.m.
Core curriculum
Ventilator conference Research/QI/Board Review  
  • Core curriculum: weekly conference on rotating core curriculum covering all areas in critical care medicine
  • Journal Club: on landmark studies, new practice changing papers, and guidelines
  • Grand rounds: both attending and fellow grand rounds are held monthly
  • Pro-con debate: two fellows present evidence for and against specific therapies/management strategies in gray areas of critical care
  • Research/QI: fellows present ongoing research or quality improvement projects and mentors facilitate discussion and implementation
  • Point of care ultrasound (POCUS) conference: review clinical case with POCUS images and continued learning of critical care ultrasound
  • Ventilator Conference: Discussion of modes of ventilator, waveform analysis, and troubleshooting patient-ventilator interactions using real case examples.

Simulation-Based Education

We utilize the state-of-the-art Center for Simulated Patient Care at the UCR School of Medicine to provide fellows education in various procedural, hemodynamic, and ventilatory education.

Critical Care Boot Camp

Fellows participate in a two-day boot camp at the beginning of fellowship that utilizes discussion, simulation, and hands-on practice on trainers and standardized patients (for point of care ultrasound). The course includes airway management, point of care ultrasound, vascular access, bronchoscopy, and pleural procedures.

Difficult Airway Simulation

Annual course with discussion and hands-on simulation for managing difficult airways, tracheostomy emergencies, cricothyroidotomy, advanced airway & bronchoscopy techniques, and simulation-based cases for challenging airway scenarios. 

Hemodynamics Curriculum

Our fellowship offers an extensive curriculum for mastering hemodynamic principles, assessing and managing shock. Fellows develop a comprehensive understanding of 

  • Applied hemodynamic physiology.
  • Advanced echocardiographic and ultrasound techniques.
  • Utilization of various invasive and non-invasive monitoring in shock.
  • Systematic management of wide variety of complex shock patients.

The course offers didactics from experts across North America and UK, flipped classroom and discussion as well as hands-on scanning with cutting edge hemodynamics specialists.  Additionally, longitudinal learning is achieved by POCUS/echo conferences with didactics to facilitate knowledge for the National Board of Echocardiography CCEeXAM certification. 

Neurocritical Care Education

All fellows complete certification in the Emergency Neurological Life Support (ENLS) course. Specialized didactics by neurocritical care experts are provided annually to master the management of various conditions commonly managed at SBMC including ischemic strokes, intracranial hemorrhages, status epilepticus, and post neurosurgical care etc.

SEVA Program for Mechanical Ventilation

We provide the SEVA program in mechanical ventilation annually to our fellows, faculty, and respiratory therapists. The course provides detailed analysis of ventilator modes, patient-ventilator dyssynchrony, and other aspects of advances in mechanical ventilation. Additionally, regularly scheduled ventilator conferences facilitate longitudinal learning during the fellowship.